SPRING TRAINING- Assessing your hitter's ability to make good contact on pitch type and location!
Modified on: 2021-12-31 23:13:04 +0100
As you start spring training sessions, coaches will be assessing players skills and putting them on skill development plans. The Dartfish toolset provides easy to use tools to assess players skillsets and teach through video from bullpens, Live-BP and scrimmage games.
In this session the coach will explain how to use the toolset within Live BP sessions to assess a hitter's ability to make good contact based on pitch type and locations. To accomplish this, coaches review a hitters graphical performance report and can optionally review the pitch video with the hitter either through zoom type meeting or directly to the hitters' mobile telephone. The process is simple and completed in three easy steps.
STEP1: Record video from either the centerfield, home-plate or optionally using both camera views. (unattended)
STEP2: A staff member charts each pitch using the supplied charting panel, selecting the pitch type, location and hit result. The data and video are uploaded to your private cloud channel.
STEP3: When uploaded the pitch data produces graphical hitters reports with video playlist filtered by the graphical reports. The coaches use the reports and video to access, review and teach the team hitters.
Below shows a copy of the supplied charting panel for Live-BP. A staff member can chart live while the BP session is occurring or from the video file. In either case the staff member watches the pitch and presses the buttons that selects the hitter's name, pitch type, location and pitch result.

The charting data produces graphical reports that coaches use to assess the hitter's ability to make solid contact with different pitch types thrown to specific locations. For example, we have filtered the data on all the pitches that were hit hard by the hitter. The coach can quickly see the pitch type and location that this specific hitter makes good contact. The graphical reports are linked to the pitch video allowing coaches to review and share with the hitter in zoom type meeting or shared directly to the hitter's mobile phone with markups and voice-overs.

Thanks for taking the extra time to learn more about this tip and see a sample of the hitter's assessment report with the video playlist.
What are you waiting for? Let's setup an online discussion and demonstration. To setup an online session contact [email protected].
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